Ron Stanislawczyk of RCS Racing Engines has been building StreetRods and StreetRod engines for the past 30 years through Race Car Service of America, and through this experience we have found that the desired StreetRod engine is different than most race or high performance engines. Our StreetRod customers from our customer base want an engine to perform as an everyday driver, but if possible with the performance levels of a high performance engine. To the Street-Rodder the engine has to start correctly, idle well, and perform as intended both when the engine is cold or hot, just as an everyday vehicle does, as well as being able to be driven at will either on a extended trip, or simply to work.
When it comes to engine idle quality, it must be smooth to just a moderately noticeable roughness, yet have a great sound through the exhaust. These types of engines have to have the proper engine vacuum to run accessories and endure the idle load changes from AC and steering pumps.
For Street-Rodders good engine performance is a must. Most StreetRods can be on the heavy side, and require a lot of lower rpm engine torque than a race or high performance engine offers to move the car. Engine efficiency and a lower rpm power band is everything. Fuel economy is also a deciding factor as to how often and long they cruise for.
Our experience with Street-Rodders is that most owners fear driving their StreetRods too often or on long trips because they don't trust or feel comfortable with the car, the engine, or both. There could be issues of not liking the sounds the engine makes, the power output, the poor fuel economy and/or it requires higher cruising rpms like most race or high performance engines need. The reason for these issues may because when the engine was built or when purchased as an assembly, the wrong type of engine power package was chosen and installed. Most personally built StreetRods are built with great intentions, but may have too many misguided inputs into the project from novices that help influence what type of engine package was chosen, choosing one that is more for racing than for cruising.
StreetRods are cars that are beautifully made to fit a persons personality. In most cases, the bodies are hand crafted and the underneath is customized as much as the rest of the car, making them fragile in many cases. The wrong engine package can inflict unexpected wear and tear on a car, creating a lot of extra and unexpected maintenance or damage.